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Ashley Ostrander

Ashley Ostrander, Authentic Design Studio

“Cassie is a godsend, truthfully! I reached out to her about needing help with the "backend" of my business and was interested but also overwhelmed with the thought of learning a new system. She made it incredibly easy and was there every step of the way. She set me up for success by walking through my process in great detail which helped her create workflows that made sense to my current process and helped me realize the ones that didn't. Since implementing Dubsado, I have been able to automate a lot of my processes and have saved so much valuable time. Now, when I send a proposal to a prospect, it is both streamlined and professional but also very easy for the potential client to sign on with us. I'm so grateful to Cassie and credit my latest success to her help and organization. She has been the best investment for my business and she will be yours too!”